In 1999, Globotech Industries Inc.(NASDAQ: GLBT), the world leader in refined petroleum products and plastics, in conjunction with its parent company the Snell-Langenbruner Corp. CDC, took the initiative for dissemination of its media properties in North America and Asia. An extensive 18 month market research study conducted by the Oberlin Mind Lab and GTR pharmaceuticals, concluded that individuals between the ages of 13 and 22 were disinterested in high grade petroleum refining. Also concluded was the lack of interest in advanced plasto-genetic grafting.
Therefore, to capture this demographic and manipulate their opinions on petroleum and plastic products, as well as neural deconstruction, Globotech invested 39.4 million shares of class A division III non-private stock from their German holdings to develop a radical technology based venture to educate North American teens on various school subjects as well as the importance of plastics in every day life. This venture is called