A Tale of Two Cities by Charles Dickens


Charles Dickens was an English guy who wrote long books. Most people know his famous lines even if they haven’t read all of his books. He is the guy who wrote things like "Please Sir, I’d like some more" (Oliver Twist), "God Bless us, Everyone" (A Christmas Carol), and the really big one – "It was the best of times, it was the worst of times…" (A Tale of Two Cities). Dickens is also famous for his descriptions, which are cool but he goes on and on. He uses ten words where other people use one. The good news is that his stories are action-filled. This book takes place in 1775 during the French Revolution when people were getting their heads cut off for even the smallest crimes. A Tale of Two Cities has a complicated plot; it’s about the crazy politics of the time, the isolation everyone feels at different times, and how being true is the best deal.


Jarvis Lorry: He’s a good guy, in a sort of grandfatherly way. He’s the one who gets Lucie’s dad from France. A bachelor, he works for Tellson’s Bank.

Jerry Cruncher: This dude works two jobs – at Tellson’s Bank he’s a driver/messenger, and at night he’s busy snatching up dead bodies. Creepy.

Lucie Manette: She’s the only babe in this story. She’s a little shy, very pretty, feels bad for people less fortunate than herself. Everyone wants her. She has a habit of being overdramatic (fainting, crying), which was very Victorian (the era when the book was written). She becomes Lucie Darnay after she marries Charles.

Dr. Alexandre: Lucie’s dad. He’s been in prison for 18 years because he witnessed the crime the Evremonde family committed. He is really screwed up from being in jail. Even though he’s pretty crazy, he loves his daughter.

Charles Darnay: This guy was born into the St. Evremonde (French) family, but didn’t want to be another shitty nobleman in France, so he walked away from his family, wealth, and name in France and moved to London where he changed his name. He and Lucie fall in love and get married. The past catches up with Charles, even though he tries to be moralistic.

Marquis St. Evremonde: The Evremondes are French aristocracy (sort of like kings and queens). He is Charles Darnay’s uncle. He is a mean dude. He is the one who is responsible for Madame Defarge’s family being killed. Wealthy and rude, he does whatever he wants to get his own way. He is murdered because he runs over a child.

Miss Pross: Lucie’s nanny. She’s a manly woman. She’s nice but she’s got a short fuse. She protects Lucie and helps the Darnays. Madame Defarge: She is a bitter woman. Her whole family died when she was a little kid, and the St. Evermonde family is to blame. Madame Defarge wants revenge on the upper class. She is twisted and sharp. She gets killed.

Ernest Defarge: Madame’s husband. He was Dr. Manette’s servant as a boy. He is basically under his wife’s control, but he goes back and forth between being bad and being okay.

Sydney Carton: A lawyer who falls in love with Lucie. He’s pretty down on himself since he doesn’t do a whole hell of a lot. He is kind of a hero in this book because he ends up getting his head cut off in the name of love. Also, he’s a lush.

C.J. Stryver: A lawyer who defends Darnay. He likes to drink.

Roger Cly: A police spy. He testifies against Darnay. He dies.

John Barsard: A spy. He’s also Miss Pross’s brother, Solomon Pross.

Gabelle: The Evremonde’s butler.


England and France are both filled with problems (poverty, violence, etc.). It’s 1775. Jarvis Lorry goes to Paris on a secret mission. He’s supposed to get Dr. Manette, who’s been locked up for 18 years in a prison called the Bastille, and bring him to London. Along the way, he meets Lucie and tells her that her dad’s not dead like she thought. Sure enough, in Paris, they find Dr. Manette, (he works with the Defarges) who is fucked in the head since being in prison. All he does is fix shoes. But he agrees to go back to London.

In 1780, Charles Darnay is being accused of treason. Mr. Lorry, Lucie, and Dr. Marnette have to go to court as witnesses against Darnay (they were all traveling in the same carriage in 1775). But Darnay is not convicted because no one can say for sure if it was Darnay that night or not – he looks so much like a lawyer in the courtroom, Sydney Carton. Carton and Darnay both want Lucie. Darnay gets her. They get married. Dr. Manette is worried after he learns of Darnay’s past (he was an Evremonde), but he deals with the wedding then looses it for a couple of weeks.

Things suck in France. Everything is dirty and people are poor. Except the rich people. They are so loaded they don’t care about anybody else. St. Evremonde runs over a child and then is murdered in his chateau (big, fancy house). Because Evremonde was his uncle, Darnay inherits the house and the money, but he doesn’t want it. He’s trying to be a normal guy who doesn’t take advantage of people. This is a good thing, because the poor people of France are sick and tired of being treated like shit so they revolt and burn the chateau and murder people.

12 years later, when he tries to help his old butler out of jail, Darnay is jailed. Bummer for Lucie and their daughter, who go to Paris with Dr. Manette to try and help. Mr. Lorry helps, too. After a while, Dr. Manette speaks on behalf of Darnay, and since Dr. Manette was a prisoner of the Bastille, he’s sort of a hero, so Darnay is let off the hook. But, wouldn’t you know, that same day, Darnay’s arrested again! Madame Defarge knows about Darnay’s past and since it was his rich family that had killed her poor family years before, she sets out for revenge. Darnay is sentenced to death. Dr. Manette looses it. Lucie’s a mess. Everything’s crap.

But wait! Remember Sydney Carton? Well, he not only knows about Darnay’s sentence, but he hears that Madame Defarge is planning on messing with Lucie and her daughter and Dr. Manette. So he arranges to swap places with Darnay – they look alike, remember!? So, with Mr. Lorry’s help, this plan works. Darnay, Lucie, their daughter and Dr. Manette go to London. Carton gets his head cut off by the guillotine (head cutting off machine). Why did Carton agree to this plan? Pure, honest love for Lucie.