In examining the Book of Genesis, the nature of the relationship between God and mankind reveals itself in the events that surround the transgression of Adam and Eve, and God’s reaction to their conduct. It seems that God intends to create a paradise for the benefit of mankind, but He punishes severely for disobedience. In this sense, the relationship between God and mankind follows the pattern of a caretaker and his charge, or a benefactor and recipient. God serves as the benefactor and mankind receives the bounty of His care. The disobedience of Adam and Eve may be considered as an offensive act of ingratitude. God spends a week preparing the way for humanity, creating a paradise in which mankind may dwell comfortably. After the careful preparation, God sets upon the creation of Adam. By creating Adam in His own image, God sets him at a level of importance and nobility offered to no other creation. The Creator then allows His charge, His creation dominion over all He has made. These gifts make mankind’s fall more potent, not only because Adam and Eve lose paradise, but also because their transgression and ingratitude seem all the more galling. Adam and Eve disobey their only law, given to them by Him who gave them life and paradise in which to live, and the lawgiver punishes them for their mistake. Much like a parent punishing a child, God banishes Adam and Eve, as well as their descendants, from Eden because of their ingratitude and lack of respect for Him in their transgression.